Enhanced ADK is out of stock and will be back mid June

Omega Advanced

30 capsules

Take 1 capsule, once daily, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Product information

Supports healthy hormone function and cardiovascular protection

Omega Advanced is a unique fish oil alternative with omega-3 fatty acid lycine salt. It maintains the bioactive form of EPA & DHA without the issues of oxidation, contamination, or rancidity found in fish oil. It is more shelf-stable, doesn't taste fishy, & comes in smaller capsules. In fact there have been studies that have looked at bioavailability of free fatty acid form & have found that it leads increases up to 5X the blood levels of EPA & DHA as compared to the same dose of fish oil. A therapautic dose in a smaller pill size.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

  • Promotes Brain & Mood Health*
  • Supports Cardiovascular Health*

  • Omega-3 (from fish oil) | 700 mg*
    EPA free fatty acid powder (from AvailOmĀ®) | 238 mg
    DHA free fatty acid powder (from AvailOmĀ®) | 122.5 mg

Product options
